Lentor Mansion Lentor Gardens: The Company’s Commitment to Corporate Governance Excellence through SIAS Endorsement
The Company has shown the utmost dedication in making sure to maintain the highest standards in corporate governance, by lending their support to the Securities Investors Association Singapore (SIAS) Corporate Governance Statement of Support. Lentor Mansion Lentor Gardens is firmly committed to ensure ongoing compliance in all the relevant corporate policies and regulations.
The Company has likewise proffered its endorsement for the Corporate Governance Statement of Support initiated by the Securities Investors Association Singapore (SIAS), in order to show its devotion towards ensuring the highest standards in corporate governance.
The organization’s main focus is to provide energy, engineering and telecom solutions to customers in more than 50 countries, with offices in more than 20 of them.
HLG is a global enterprise with its roots in a reputable listed company on major stock exchanges. The company has a workforce of over 35,000 people and is dedicated to delivering energy, engineering and …